ZigzagDownLoader (ZDL) - News

DCC reverse

Some XDCC BOTs shield server ports using "reverse DCC". In particular, https://xdcc.eu provides countless links to files in all languages โ€‹โ€‹of the world via the host server irc.scenep2p.net, which uses "reverse dcc".
Unfortunately, there are few programs capable of downloading files through this type of protocol. For example, #weechat is not capable of performing this type of download.

From now, ZigzagDownLoader can download via reverse DCC!

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New option: -X KEYWORDS, --xdcc-search=KEYWORDS

The XDCC commands implemented in IRC chats allow file sharing between users of a channel. Thanks to the https://xdcc.eu engine it is possible to obtain a list of files made available by softbot (BOT) users, always waiting for a file request command. Through the XDCC system you can find everything: films, TV series, books, music... For this reason, it can be a valid alternative/complement to the #ed2k (#donkey) and #kademlia (#kad) networks.

For several years, ZigzagDownLoader had implemented a system for searching, selecting and downloading files generally available on the IRC/XDCC network and on https://xdcc.eu. It was already possible to perform searches via the `--gui` and `--web-ui` interfaces. Additionally, entering XDCC links was also possible via the CLI, using the `-x, --xdcc` option.


-X <keywords>, --xdcc-search=<keywords>

Using the https://www.xdcc.eu search engine, start searching for files available for download via XDCC. The search result is opened by a GUI, to allow a selection of files to download.
The same type of search can be performed by `--gui` and `--web-ui`.
<keywords> is the search key (a set of filter words to be sent to https://xdcc.eu to perform the search) and must be enclosed in single or double quotes, to prevent the terminal from interpreting the spaces between the words as a key break.

Once you have sent the search key, after a few seconds, a GUI window will open that will allow you to select with a check mark the files that need to be downloaded. By clicking on the `OK` button, the window will close and the download will take place in the program's Terminal User Interface (TUI).

For more information, see the documentation: `man zdl`, `pinfo zdl`, `zdl --help`, and the website.

This part of the ZDL program is permanently in the experimental phase, given the empirical nature of the interaction with xdcc softbots. All your free collaboration aimed at perfecting the program is precious.

XDCC download occurs entirely with bash tools and is native to the ZigzagDownLoader project. The project was released under the GPL license in 2011, when it was published on the Free Software Foundation portal: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/zdl

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New extension

New extension: __Dropload__

ZDL uses FFmpeg to download the source file from the web streaming master.m3u8

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New extensions

## _New extensions:_ ___ilcorsaronero___ and __filmpertutti__

- _ilcorsaronero_ provides a MAGNET link for torrent files, which is extracted directly from the page. The download files are downloaded into a folder created by ZDL

- _filmpertutti_ provides links for downloading films and TV series. ZDL is able to extract all the links present on the web page, whether it is a single episode/film or the entire series. You can filter the links to choose using ZDL parameters that make use of REGEX, such as `--url=REGEX`, `--no-url=REGEX`, ... (see the manual: `man zdl`, `pinfo zdl`, `zdl --help` or the web site)

Data: 2023-11-07T15:32:24+00:00

StreamHide โ†’ ahvsh.com

The change of name obviously depends on legal matters that do not concern us.
The update isn't just about the name.

I'm currently trying to robustly fix some issues related to the XDCC protocol.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact me.

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Galileo Museum in Florence

New extension: museogalileo.it

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#### _New extension: DiscoveryPlus HD_

thanks to `yt-dlp`

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#### _Updated more extensions:_
- __Voe__ : the streaming video file is automatically downloaded from the web page URL

- __FileCrypt__ : the links are automatically extracted from the web page and then processed in series. No interaction is required

#### _Attention_
in case FileCrypt doesn't work, you can always:
- access the web page through the browser
- possibly, solve the re-captcha
- download the DLC container file
- process the DLC file with ZDL (for example, from the terminal with the `zdl CONTAINER.dlc` command, but also from the GUI or WEB-UI...)

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__New extension for streaming from StreamHide service__

__Important upgrade of automatic checks for:__
- Internal automatic IRC client
The changes have been tested and ZDL seems to control the download processes better and with more stability. Do not hesitate to contact me for any problems, because your contribution is very important.

__Updating other extensions, especially Youtube:__
- `youtube-dl` is no longer able to extract the information needed to download videos from Youtube, so ZDL will use the `yt-dlp` fork, momentarily, waiting for a `youtube-dl` upgrade. NB: the version of `youtube-dl` or `yt-dlp` used by ZDL is not the one in use on your system, since the program is embedded in the zdl package and is installed in `/usr/local/share/ zdl/`

__In project:__
- following the next `youtube-dl` upgrade and its restoration in ZDL, `youtube-dl` will be integrated into ZDL as an additional downloader and not only as a data extractor

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